Thursday, March 24, 2011

Another Great Cardinals Headline

So we have had Cardinals headlines talking about two-shit shutouts, we had another one that said the Cards were "done in by wet balls," but today's Cardinals headline mine take the cake and be the best of them all.
Funny thing is that I had tweeted a few weeks ago, while listening to the radio broadcast of a spring training Cardinals game, that Zack Cox was my new favorite player on the team. Of course those that know me well know I enjoy juvenile humor and mainstream references to genitalia. But of course my main reason for saying that Cox was my new favorite player was because of seeing headlines like this.
Now I just can't wait to hear Mike Shannon say things like "Cox hit that hard," or "Cox goes deep," and of course the inevitable "Now Cox steps in and COME ON BABY, GET UP, GET UP, GET UP, OH YEAH."


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA - awesome. This made my morning.

  2. Ha ha ha!! I didn't see this! So funny!

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  4. Haha, how does a post like that bring in business? Ohh the wonders of internet marketing!

