Monday, October 17, 2005

Earthquake Hits Costa Rica

Well I can cross another thing off my list, I have now lived through an Earthquake.

Granted it was a small one (the official size isn't know yet, it just happened probably a half hour ago, but stay tuned for an official update). The general consensus in the office was that it was anywhere between a 3-4.5 (depending on who you talk to). I was actually in my apartment when it hit, having just walked down there after lunch when I realized I had left some files in there that I needed for the office. At first I just though the wind was blowing really hard (there was a thunderstorm going on outside, the first actually since I have been here but I was told it was a result of the hurricanes in the region), and this is what it must feel like to be in buildings that don't have strict codes like we have in the U.S. Then when I came back to the office all the Ticos were asking: "did you feel it, did you feel it." I then realized it was a quake.




Well still no official word, at least that I can ascertain, on how severe the quake was, I did some searching online and found nothing regarding a quake in Costa Rica. I did come across this sit ethat I found made for some interesting reading, check it out if you would like

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